tisdag 28 februari 2012

time to write something

Unfortunately, this post won't be a pleasant one. I'm struggling reading 'Boyhood' by Coetzee. My first thought was that it could be an interesting read since I'm excited about going to Africa. South Africa just happens to be one of my favorite dream destinations. Secondly, I'm fascinated in reading about novels that depicts real life situations such as racial segregation, apartheid, or the civil rights movement in the United States, Nevetheless, the boy in boyhood so far only agonizes me and he's in my eyes despicable. There's just some aura around him that just gives the me the creeps. I'm not sure what it is but he despises him mother and father, he doesn't like the other kids and they don't like him very much. He lies and...well...uses silence as a means to get away from telling the truth or what he would really like to say. It's so far away from what I believe in and I feel untouched by his problems. I wish I could feel for him, but I cannot. I hope it will change for the better as the story comes along. It has to since I'm debating what kind of presentation I will set out to do.


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